

华人博彩论坛是一所天主教大学 仁爱修女会, extends the teaching ministry of Jesus Christ to those seeking higher education.

As an officially recognized ministry of the Catholic Church, the University grounds its core activities of teaching, learning, scholarship and service in Catholic theological principles that affirm the goodness and value 在所有的造物中 and posit a view of all human persons as created in the image of God and thus free, rational, relational 并被赋予了与生俱来的尊严.

As a Catholic university, 华人博彩论坛 challenges all the members of its community to search for truth, especially religious truth, and to engage in a dialogue between faith and reason that ultimately leads toward the contemplation of God's creation 以及为共同利益而采取的社会行动.

This search for truth demands careful observation, critical analysis, vigorous debate, personal and communal theological reflection, and ethical and engaged decision-making leading toward a life that respects both the inherent dignity of another and the worth 在所有的造物中. 为探索真理设定背景,大学鼓励 its community, especially its students, to become familiar with the richness of the 天主教的知识传统和天主教社会教育的必要性. 尊重 academic freedom, the University strives to be a place where the vigorous discussion of ideas can occur, especially as they relate to its mission as a Catholic university. In the spirit of respectful and critical discourse, the University welcomes the breadth of the Catholic tradition as well as the voices of other religious and non-religious 社区.

As a Mercy university, 华人博彩论坛 challenges its community members to 教学、学习、研究和行动不仅为自己,也为他人. 因此, 大学的一个重要特点是其服务承诺. 理想情况下, such service, whether direct or through the University's efforts to understand and 纠正不公正的制度,体现了灵性 凯瑟琳·麦考利母亲她是仁爱修女会的创始人. 这种灵性是以神学为基础的 of the Incarnation, animated by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and expressed through acts of compassion that embody the spiritual and corporal works of mercy**. In particular, the University community expresses special concern for those who are 贫困的经济贫困的,尤指妇女和儿童. 仁慈修女会誓要关心 for the poor, the sick and the uneducated, so from its foundation in 1846, Saint Xavier's mission has been especially concerned with alleviating the suffering of the poor and 教育病患. 在这样做的过程中,大学不仅仅是被动的 expressions of heartfelt concern, and even willingness to stand with those who suffer. It seeks to right what is wrong and restore what is broken, thereby promoting human 尊严、正义和共同利益.

华人博彩论坛 signifies and celebrates its Catholic and Mercy heritage in its symbolic, sacramental and liturgical expressions, and in its communal and collegial 精神. 大学提供了许多反思,祈祷,崇拜和访问的机会 圣礼. 它通过适当的放置象征着其丰富的信仰传统 宗教符号和艺术品. 此外,它还遵守礼仪季节和节日 central to its Catholic and Mercy heritage, and provides orientation and mentoring 教育社区关于这种身份的项目.

Recognizing that the search for God and the celebration of God's presence is ubiquitous, the University provides opportunities for those of other faith traditions and those on a personal journey of faith to study, to express, to worship, to celebrate and to discuss their religious beliefs in a climate that is respectful, hospitable and 向所有人开放.

Offering the opportunity for higher education within a Catholic and Mercy context, 华人博彩论坛纪念耶稣基督,他被认为是 Via, Veritas, Vita -- the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6), the motto of the University inscribed 在它的纹章上.

**Based largely on the gospel of Matthew, chapter 25, the works of mercy are as follows: 仁慈的精神事业:教导无知的人. 谘询怀疑者. 舒适的 悲伤的. 劝诫罪人. 耐心忍受错误. 原谅所有的伤害. 祈祷 无论是活人还是死人. 体罚善行:喂饱饥饿的人. 给喝 致干渴者. 给裸体者穿衣服. 为无家可归者提供庇护. 看望病人. 参观 被囚禁的. 埋葬死者.


Learn more about the 慈爱高等教育约章 that describes the intentions, 期望和保证使双方的关系充满活力和信息 the 仁爱修女会 of the Americas and SXU, with the Conference for Mercy Higher 代表仁爱修女会的教育.



In 1843, 弗朗西丝·泽维尔·沃德母亲 and six sisters braved the Atlantic Ocean to 在美国建立仁爱修女会. 她和同伴下了船 1843年12月在纽约. 威廉·夸特主教最近也出席了 被任命到新成立的芝加哥教区. 他自己就是个教育家,夸特主教 wasted no time asking Frances Xavier Warde to send sisters to his frontier diocese 为儿童和年轻妇女开办学校. 主教夸特的新要求带来了 1846年,仁爱修女会来到芝加哥. 母亲弗朗西丝·泽维尔·沃德陪同 group of five she had chosen to serve in this western outpost, all who were under 25岁.

By the time of her death in 1884, Frances Warde had established over 82 Mercy convents, schools, hospitals, orphanages, and other institutions of social welfare in some 20 cities across nine states, more than any other religious leader in the Western world. It is probable that no woman has lived to whom the church in the United States owes 比对她更重要.

弗朗西斯去世时享年74岁. 参加她葬礼的有曼彻斯特主教普罗维登斯主教 Springfield, Hartford, Burlington and Portland, along with more than 100 priests and 仁爱修女会 from across New England, a testament to the immense and lasting impact 她的生活和服务. 她被安葬在圣. 曼彻斯特的约瑟夫公墓.





阿加莎·奥布莱恩于1843年加入仁爱修女会. 当她从爱尔兰来的时候 to the United States, Bishop O'Connor noted that she was "capable of ruling a nation."

She was the first Sister of Mercy to be received as a novice in the United States 1844年2月22日,并于1846年5月5日许下了最后的誓言. 仅仅几个月后, in September 1846, she became Mother Agatha, the first superior of the Sisters of Mercy在芝加哥,24岁的时候.

母亲阿加莎·奥布莱恩 was described as a woman of remarkable judgment, quick apprehension and piety, with a keen business sense, an appreciation for property values and a direct 在为所需要的任何东西请求资金方面表现得很直率.

While serving the sick during a terrible wave of cholera, Mother Agatha and three other 仁爱修女会 all died from the disease within a few hours of each other 1854年7月8日.
